Please click the contract below for details and costs related the your future session.
After determining which session you'd like to enroll in, please complete the following steps
- print a copy of the contract (links below)
- print a copy of our administrative and operational policies (here), initial each page and sign them
- scan or photocopy your driver's license or government identification
- a cheque for $1250 written to Statik The Salon Inc
($1000 is a deposit and is applied against your total fees and is not in addition to them. $250 is a non-refundable registration fee. This is all part of your total contract,
not in addition to.)
Either mail or bring this completed package to:
VHA Enrollment- 101-2828 152nd Street Surrey BC V4P1G6
call 16046169179 or email enrolvha@gmail.com for more information
Prices subject to change without notice. ​
If you are in need of student loans through Student Aid BC, click here
The below numbers showing availability may not be current. Because of every session sells out. Enrolment is first-come, first-served